
Introducing the ICCEE Model of instructional design

A good place to start might be:

We will be using the ICCEE model as it is effective, straightforward, and useful for an online learning context.

You needn’t use this model in your instructional design work though. What is important, though, is finding a model that makes sense to you and helps you to design the kinds of learning experiences you want for your students.


Characteristics of instructional design models

According to Branch and Gustafson (2002), there are a variety of characteristics that are shared by many different instructional design models. These characteristics include:

The ICCEE Model of Instructional Design that we will be making use of takes an iterative approach to designing effective and impactful learning experiences.

The name ICCEE stands for the five major stages of the model’s process; Identify, Create, Confirm, Evaluate, and Enhance.

The ICCEE model emphasises the importance of creating learning experiences in an orderly and thoughtful way, making sure to evaluate and revise each step to make sure the instruction is the best it can be.

Here are the steps of the ICCEE Model:

Identify: The first step of the ICCEE Model is to identify the learning needs of the target audience. This involves gathering observations, making reflections, and examining data on the learning environment, the learners, and their goals.

Create: The create phase involves designing a structure and plan for the instructional materials. During this phase, instructional objectives and strategies are identified, and a timeline for development is established.

Confirm: During the confirm phase, the instructional materials are tested and verified to ensure they meet the needs of learners and are fitted to the educational goals. This includes testing the content, activities, and assessments for impact and usability.

Evaluate: The evaluate phase usually occurs after the instructional design has been used - but can occur during the process for longer learning experiences. The evaluate phase is concerned with determining how effective the instructional design was in reaching the intended goal.

Enhance: The final step of the ICCEE Model is to enhance the instructional materials. This includes making improvements to the materials and ensuring they are up to date with the latest industry standards.


Reflection Questions

Look back through the stages of the ICCEE model.

  • Which of these stages do you feel most comfortable and confident with?
  • Which of these stages do you feel less confident and comfortable with?

For the stage you feel less confident about, try and think of 2 or 3 specific things you could do to help develop your level of confidence and understanding. This might be working with a colleague, taking an online course, doing further research, practising a particular skill or activity, or making use of the other modules in this online workshop.

By the end of this module, you should have a good grasp of the ICCEE Model of Instructional Design. Working through the chapters and lessons, you should be able to explain and enact the main parts of the model, construct instructional objectives, pick efficient delivery methods, and gain an understanding of the tools and knowledge needed to construct engaging learning experiences.

✏️ Activity: The ICCEE Model

Review the stages of the ICCEE model in detail.

Make sure you have a good understanding of what each of the stages means.

This module will go into more detail about these in the next lessons, but you should have a clear understanding before continuing.

Produce a simple diagram or illustration of the model.

This should show the main stages, what they mean, and the sequence or flow of the model as it should be followed.

As you continue with this module you can add to this diagram to give you a fuller and more detailed picture of how the ICCEE model works.