

At the end of this module you should be:

  • More aware of particularities of online teaching
  • More confident in identifying ways in which you can use these particularities in your own advantage
  • Better prepared for online teaching’s challenges and unexpected situations
  • Better equipped to prepare and present content in an engaging way for online classes
  • More versatile in setting a comfortable environment for you and your students
  • Better equipped with ideas and tips on how you can use apps and different communication techniques to build a more versatile version of yourself as a teacher
  • More aware of your strong points and abilities as teacher
  • More ready to handle unexpected situations in a constructive way
Closing the lesson (or, in the case of primary school, the day) (5)

And, last but not at all least, we hope that this Module gave you the self-confidence needed to approach online classes with enthusiasm!

You can download a pdf version of all the contents, in English language, here - available soon

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